GC-2030 (WITH TCD)
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Author: Shimadzu CAS
Level: Beginner
Study time: 10 hours
Video time: 5 hours
Exams: Yes
Certification: Yes
Course overview
This course offers practical knowledge to familiarize users with operation and general maintenance of Shimadzu Nexis GC-2030.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Understand of the principle & instrumentation of Gas Chromatography
- Describe the general column selection and method optimization that affect the separation in the chromatogram
- Perform proper system on and system off - Perform data acquisition via LabSolutions software
- Process data acquired both qualitatively and quantitatively by LabSolutions software
- Troubleshoot some of the commonly encounter issues in GC analysis
- Perform basic GC maintenances
Materials Required for eGC-002
e-Learning Course:

- A gas chromatograph with an autosampler (Nexis GC-2030 with AOC-30i) equipped with Split/Splitless injection port (SPL) and Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
- SH-I-5Sil MS column with 30 m length, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 um df (Cat# 221-75954-30) or equivalent
Operation Software
- LabSolutions GC (with License)
Chemical & Reagent
- Hexane solvent
- n-Alkanes standard (Between C10 to C20)
- 1.5 ml sample vial with cap (P/N 226-54110-31)
Course contents
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